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How to Access: Events > Seminars

Purpose: Used to create, edit, and manage Seminars in AccuCampus.
Search(Magnifying Glass)

Seminars Buttons

  • Create Seminar - This allows you to create a new Seminar. Please see explanation in next chapter.
  • Locations - Use to view/create Locations.
  • College Departments - View College departments.
  • View Class Schedules - View Class Schedules based on Instructor/Students/Locations.
  • Semesters - Use this to see info about Terms.
  • Session registration - This allows you to quickly register users for Seminars.
  • Services - This filters the current view of the Services .
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Seminars on this screen to only show the Seminars that match the typed search criteria, please see details below.

Seminar List Options

You'll notice on the right-hand side of every Seminar in this list you have a Delete button:

  • Delete - This option allows you to delete this User. A confirmation message will prompt you to confirm the deletion so that these are less likely to be deleted by accident.
If you do not see this option it may be based on your level or permissions set in AccuCampus.

Create New Seminar

In this section we can create any type of Seminars we want in AccuCampus.

General Information

  • Full Unique Code - This is the Full Unique Code of the Seminar.
  • Name -This is the Name of the Seminar.
  • Semester - Please select the Semester information from the list.
  • College Department - Please select the College department from the list.
  • Group - This is an optional field used to group Seminars together.
  • Details - This is an optional field to add extra information about the Seminar.


  • Recurring Schedules - Please select this option to configure this Seminar periodically to a certain Day of the Week , at a certain Time of the Day and a determined Location. You can add several occurrences per week, For example, every Monday from 10 AM to 11 Am in the Computer Lab AND every Friday from 2 PM to 2:30 Pm in the Physics Lab.
  • One-time Schedule - Use this option to specify 1 or many One-time occurrences for this Seminar such as for Example 5/11/2020 at 2PM, you can add more occurrences as needed by adding a new date and time.


  • Allow sign-in early by - Optional. Specifies how early the student is allowed to Sign-in prior to the Start of the seminar.
  • Allow sign-out late by - Optional. Specifies how late the student is allowed to Sign-in after the seminar Start time.

Center Attendance

  • Required Presence - Required. This allows specifying what is the percentage of the full time of the seminar the student has to be present to count as full presence.
  • Require user to Sign-out - Required. This allows specifying if participants in the seminar are required to sign-out.

Save the Seminar!

Now that you have taken all this time to create the Seminar simply click the Save button at the bottom of this page.

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