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How to Access: General > Courses

Purpose: Used to view your Courses in AccuCampus.

Courses Buttons

  • Locations - This allows you to see Locationslike centers, areas, and places.
  • College Departments - This allows you to see Department.
  • View Class Schedules - This option allows you to view the difference Class sections and their schedules.
  • Semester - This option allows you to create and manage a Semester. Courses are reused each Semester but Class sections are assigned to these specific Semesters.
  • Services - This allows you to see Services that are offered in Locations. Locations are your centers, areas, and places tracking attendance, and specific Services can be assigned to them.
  • Semester Filter - This filters the current view of the Courses on this screen to only show the Courses that are in the selected Semester.
  • Search Filter (Magnifying Glass) - This filters the current view of the Courses on this screen to only show the Courses that match the typed search criteria.
Search Filter Options

  • Search- Please use this option to search for a text in all the Courses in Accucampus OR in a certain category as selected below in the “Search in” option.
  • Search in- Please use this option to restrict the Search above to a certain Category.

Refine your Search

  • Semester- Please refine your search by searching for Text in the Semester field.
  • College Department - Please refine your search by searching for Text in the College Department field.

View Course Info

Faculty members will only be allowed to view their course info unless the admin grants them permission to edit their courses

General Info

Full Unique Code - This is a unique identifier for this Course. Note: The full code must be unique in the selected Semester for all Courses and Seminars.

Name - This is the display name of this Course.

Semester - This is the Semester in which this Course is offered.

College Department - This is the Department that this Course belongs (i.e. Mathematics, Business, Computer Science, etc.)

Event Group - This is an optional field that can help you create a grouping of Courses.

Details - This is an optional field that can provide additional information about this Course.


Recurring schedule - This option allows you to view a class session that reoccurs every week of the semester on a specified day and time. It includes the following information:

  • The Day of the week.
  • The start time next to From.
  • The end time next to to.
  • The Location next to in.

One-time schedule - If this option was checked out it would mean that the class would only be for a specified date and time.


Allow sign-in early by X mins. - This allows you to specify how early before the “Start Time” of the Course they can sign-in to be counted as “Present.”

Allow sign-out late by Y mins. - This allows you to specify how early after the “Start Time” of the Course they can sign-in to be counted as “Present.”

Center Attendance

This configured only if you are using the Course as a Workshop being tracked in a Center or Location or for an Event.

Required presence % - Set this to state the percentage of the time that the User has to be in the Course to be counted as “Present.”

Require users to sign-out. - Set this to state whether or not they need to sign-out of this Workshop session.

Class Attendance

Enabled - This option enables the ability to track the class in a classroom environment and gives your instructor the ability to call roll in the AccuCampus App and online.

Automatically check sessions after saving - This option allows you to create any missing Class Sessions and this option will only appear on the screen if Class Attendance Enabled is checked.

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