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Quick Start Guide

Page Summary: In this screen, users learn how to: Set the Time Zone. Add Locations. Setting up Semester Info. Enter College News and Announcements

1. Setting up AccuCampus

This is the first step to getting your centers and classrooms set up in AccuCampus which should allow you to start collecting data on the Students. We will go through the basic settings necessary to get the account custom to your environment.

In this step, the user uploads the institution's logo and sets the Time Zone for the system. (This sets the system to record the correct date and time when students sign-in/sign-out).

In order to upload the institution logo the following steps must be followed:

  1. Click the Settings link, under Advanced Options in the menu on the home screen.
  2. Click the General link at the top.
  3. Now click the “Upload Logo” button to search in your machine file system and select your image file (any regular image-file should work: JPG, BMP, PNG).
  4. Click the OK button once you select the image file from your computer.

In order to set the correct Time Zone, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Go to the Time Zone dropdown list and select the correct option(If you do not see your timezone in the list then you must enable the “Show all time zones” checkbox).
  2. Click the Save button to retain the logo and save the time zone.
If you need to select a time zone outside of the common U.S. time zones place a check in the checkbox labeled “Show All Time Zones” so you can see more options

Adding your Locations

Locations refers to the physical “places” where all the institution activities take place, and where Services are offered.

  1. On the left-side menu click the General –> Locations menu option.
  2. Click the Create Location button.
  3. Type-in the Name and located in information (this will help guide students when using the app).
  4. Click the Save button.

This Location can now be used when creating a Sign-in Station, you can add Services associated with it, and your Courses can configure this “place” as where the classes take place.

Setting up Semester Dates

Semesters/Terms refer to how the “Academic year” is divided into “Academic Terms” for the school system.

  1. From the left-side menu click on Advanced Options –> Settings.
  2. Next, click the Semesters link.
  3. Click the Create New button.
  4. Fill in the Name, Start Date, and End Date.
  5. Now click the Save button.
  6. After saving the Semester information you can enter any Days Off/Holidays, this refers to those blocks of time where all Locations in the Centers will be unavailable during the semester dates (you can always skip this step for now or just click on the list of “Possible dates” shown in the box on the right).
  7. Finally, click the Save button again.

This Semester can now keep Student Enrollment, Instructor/Faculty Classes, etc. associated with it.

Semesters can overlap depending on the course offerings. Each Class in AccuCampus will be associated with the dates for that specific assigned Semester. This will build the schedule for the classes if Faculty will use AccuCampus to manage attendance.

Entering your College News and Announcements

This option can help make your AccuCampus home-screen be customized with information that represents your campus(es). You can always skip this step but it is advisable to add your own information as it will help “brand” the site to your institution.

  1. From the left-side menu click on Advanced Options > Settings.
  2. Next, click the Home Page Quick Panels link in the middle of the available sections.
  3. This screen represents your home-screen and is split into the main section and a smaller right-side section. Start by choosing which section you want to customize.
  4. Once selected, by clicking the button to + Add widget on the (left or right), you are presented with options to add to your home screen. You can choose from:

Choose a Widget to add.

  • HTML Content- Use this option to add text or images to the homepage (see detailed information in the next chapter).
  • RSS Feed Reader- Use this option to connect an RSS feed to the homepage. This can be used to display a rotating selection of notifications or news for the institutions. (see detailed information in the next chapter)
  • Notifications- Use this option to display a feed of all notifications sent to the user. (see detailed information in the next chapter)
  • My Action Plan- Use this option to display a feed of all action items sent to the user. The user is able to click on a specific action item to get more information on it. (see detailed information in the next chapter).
  • Seminars- Displays Seminars information.(see detailed information in the next chapter).
  • Upcoming Courses (students)- Displays a feed of all course sessions that are upcoming for the next few days for a curse that a student is registered for. (see detailed information in the next chapter).
  • Courses taking place now- Displays a feed of all courses that the user is registered for and that are currently in session at the time the user logs in. (see detailed information in the next chapter).
  • Upcoming Courses (staff)- Displays a feed of all course sessions that a staff member is registered for and are upcoming for the next few days for a course. If a staff member is registered to a course group, it shows all of the upcoming courses.
  • Upcoming Appointments- Displays a feed of all upcoming scheduled appointments. (see detailed information in the next chapter).
  • Center Charts - Displays visit charts at the center level.
  • By Location Charts - Displays visits by location charts.
  1. Once you choose an option simply follow the options presented and save the page to add it to your campus's home screen.

This is only an example of the many widgets you can use and the different customization you could do with it.

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