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Summary: On this page, you can find information about user demographic data, how to set up student profile questions and how to generate reports based on this information,
Analyzing Demographics Data
Demographic data is statistical data collected about the characteristics of a population, e.g. age, gender, and income for example, in this case, we try to capture data from the student whether we have that information in the current SIS from the school, or we ask the student directly using AccuCampus or other systems. In AccuCampus we can import such information, we can type it manually and we can create reports about it.
Setting up Student Profile Questions
In order to set the Profile Questionaire (that can be later imported or entered manually) go to Advanced Options–>Settings–>User Profiles:
When creating a profile questionnaire you would need to create first profile-sections, those sections allow being customized in terms of their visibility(who can see them) and security(which roles can do what? in the profile information contained within the section).
Click “Create New” to add a section, click on a section-name (already created) to use it, you can also delete a profile section by clicking on the “Delete” button:
Setting up the settings and questions within the sections
Once inside a profile-section, you would need to add the name, the security settings, and then profile questions:
Security Settings:
- Set who these questions apply to:(usually students).
- What roles have view access:( usually administrators and staff(approved for this)).
- What roles have edit access:(usually administrators and staff(approved for this)).
- If users with certain Scope are applicable to these questions.
Form Designer:
This area is used to build the questions that we need to ask and the type of answers we require:
As part of the questionnaire, we can add “Text” as you can see highlighted in green, usually to ask about a particular item in the questionnaire such as “GPA and Grades”:
The answers could be simple text, multiple choices, and checkboxes, each answer has a unique ID, a caption and can be set as “optional” or “required.”
Allowing Students to Update their Profile Data
In each profile section, you can set whether you want the students to be able to view(highlighted in blue) and/or edit(highlighted in green) their own profile:
Generating Profile Reports
Go to General–>Reports:
Read thoroughly the description to select the correct report, use the filters and select the output format as needed:
User Profile
These reports are all related to information uploaded to the students' profiles.
Group Demographics
Profile Distribution Analysis
User Profile
User Profile (Only those who visited the Center)
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