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Saved Ad Hoc Queries

How to Access: Institutional Research > Ad Hoc Queries

Top button Options

  • New Query - Please click this button to start a new Model.(see details in the next chapter).
  • View Executions - Please click this button to update the list and refresh it.

List options Please notice that for each Model(row) in the list there are 4 buttons in the right-hand side.

  • Execute- Please click this button to analyze again this Model, this is especially useful if there have been changes in Accucampus and you would like to analyze again the Model.
  • View Execution- Please click this button to see the previous results, see details below.
  • Delete- Use this button to delete the current Model, a confirmation message will show up to make sure you are not deleting by mistake.

View Execution Information

Please notice that for each row you will have an “Execute” button so you can run the Query.

  • Query List- Please click this button to go back to the “Saved Ad Hoc Queries”.
  • View Saved Queries-

Create New Query

All query screen options have the same buttons:

  • Save As - Please use this option to make a copy of your customized Query.
  • Execute - Please use this option to run the query and see the results/
  • Save and Execute- The combination of the 2 options above, make a copy of your customized Query and execute it to see the results.
  • View All Saved Queries - This option shows you a list of all your saved queries.

Please see below a small description and screenshots for each option

  • New Blank Query - Create a new query from scratch.

  • Students in the past 24hs - View unique students who visited a specific location in the past 24hs.

  • Students in the past 24hs in a location - View unique students who visited a specific location in the past 24hs

  • Most used services last month - Get the most used services last month.

  • Upcoming appointments - View the upcoming appointments.

  • Cancel - Cancel current operation without saving.

Results Once you click Save and Analyze, the system will begin analyzing the data that will be included in your model to come up with the best algorithmic model to use. The Analysis screen will show you each feature that was included in the model as a graph with a visual breakdown of the student population for that factor as well as a graph that shows you the weighting that the system has applied for each feature. These graphs can be used to 1) identify any issues with the data that might have been missed prior to importing and 2) help you determine if the model should be adjusted before processing. Tweaking the model would include excluding features or creating new combinations of features to include. Once satisfied, you can then run the model by clicking Process. This will start the machine learning system.

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